Page 31 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 31

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                          8. They think that human beings and other
                   living things have vestigial organs that have lost their
                 function; and even believe that a great deal of DNA is "junk"
               with no particular function. But all these claims are known to be

              the result of scientific ignorance. Over time, as science advanced, it
             was discovered that all organs and genes are indeed functional.
             This shows that living creatures do not have organs that have
             ceased to function, through the so-called process of evolution, as a
             result of not being used. Rather, it shows that these creatures, with
             all their organs and component parts, are not the work of chance
             but of a perfect creation.
                  9. They think that the variation in a single species—for exam-
             ple, the differences in the size and shape of the bills of the

             Galapagos Islands' finches—is a strong proof of evolution. But this
             is known to be no proof of evolution: Micro-changes in the struc-
             ture of a bird's bill cannot create new biological data, in the form of
             new organs, and so do not constitute evolution. As a result, even
             neo-Darwinists today realize that some variations within a species
             cannot result in evolution.
                  10. They believe that mutations in experiments with fruit flies
             have been able to produce new species. But these experiments pro-
             duced only physically impaired or sterile individuals, and no "ben-
             eficial" mutation was observed. Even in the case of mutations
             produced under the control of knowledgeable scientists, no new

               species were formed; this proves that there is no such thing as
                 evolution. Therefore, it is impossible to point to mutations
                    as proof of evolution.
                           A large number of those interviewed, if
                          asked why they believe in evolution,

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