Page 12 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 12
ithout their knowing, a superstitious religion has brought
W the great majority of people under its sway. This hidden re-
ligion never openly reveals itself. It has no written commandments,
but it controls people's behavior, attitudes and thoughts. People un-
consciously implement this religion's rules throughout their lives,
and live by its structures and prohibitions. This superstitious reli-
gion is not Islam, Christianity or Judaism. When asked, many peo-
ple who abide by this false religion may well describe themselves as
Muslims or Christians or Jews. They may even be atheists. But nev-
ertheless, all are actually members of this secret belief system.
This false religion never presents itself to people as a unified
whole. People adopt it as the result of the steady propaganda they
are subjected to from birth. Therefore, they're unaware that their be-
havior, thoughts, and even body language derive from this religion.
To its adherents, this superstitious religion portrays its goal as
becoming a respected person. To do so means adopting the value
judgments of this religion, implementing its laws, prohibitions and
forms of behavior, and assuming its character traits. To be respected
is essential to achieve a specific accepted station in society, and not
regarded as an eccentric, not out of the ordinary.
This religion is therefore an ignorant one, which is how we'll
refer to it for short. Ignorant religion propels people towards insin-