Page 15 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 15
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
gician. Has he turned all the deities into One God? That is
truly astonishing!" Their leaders went off saying, "Carry on as
you are! Hold fast to your deities. This is clearly something
planned. We have not heard of this in the old religion. This is
merely something contrived." (Surah Sâd, 4-7)
As pointed out so far, every human being has a religion. Those
who not adhere to the religion of Allah, and even those who describe
themselves as atheists, are not totally devoid of religion, but merely
adhere to superstitious ones. Some of these "religions" may not
presently be described as such, though that is exactly what they all
are—as is revealed in the Qur'an. Marxism, for instance, is in one sense
a false religion, because that ideology is the "path" down which mil-
lions of people have gone. Marxists adopt the intellectual system de-
veloped by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels and accept their way of
thinking. They analyze the world by means of the standards that they
set out. They account for their own existence and the meaning of death
based on the unscientific logic of Marx and Engels. In short, as believ-
ers in Marxism, they shape their lives and evaluate events accordingly.
Besides Marxism, there are hundreds of other different religions,
philosophies, and intellectual systems. All these are superstitious reli-
gions, basically produced in order to turn people away from the path
of Allah.
The point that really needs to be emphasized is that whatever
their ideology, philosophy or world view, those who have turned their
backs on the true religion still share one common false belief system:
That is the "religion of the ignorant" that gives this book its name and
whose outlines we have briefly sketched. It is also one of the most cun-
ning and effective weapons wielded by satan in his endeavors to turn
humans from the true path.