Page 20 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 20


           are far removed from the ideal forms of behavior and personal and
           ethical structure described in the Qur'an. In this way, it will be made
           plain how satan's ignorant superstitious religion dominates those peo-
           ple who live far removed from Islam, at all periods of their lives.

                         BEING A MAN ACCORDING TO
                       THE RELIGION OF THE IGNORANT
                    MR. ADNAN OKTAR'S LIVE INTERVIEW
                     ON KANAL 35 (IZMIR) (January 18, 2009)
                ADNAN OKTAR: The religion of ignorance exists among peo-
           ple. For instance they say, "He is the type of man deserving to be a
           man." His behavior is extremely affected, his speech, gestures and atti-
           tudes are like those of an actor. Their affectedness is of a humiliating
           nature. Their speech is artificial, their language is artificial, that is to
           say they are insincere. There are hundreds of such gestures, hundreds
           of styles. For instance someone comes up and behaves artificially, say-
           ing, "We have been waiting for you for so long. Where have you been
           all this time?" However, a person may well express his love and long-
           ing perfectly sincerely. What is the point in being so artificial? This is
           the religion of the ignorant. That is what I am talking about.
                Affectation exhausts a person. Being natural is very beautiful, sin-
           cerity is beautiful. Loving sincerely and using sincere expressions is
           very beautiful. That is why Allah says, I take refuge in Allah from the
           cursed satan, "My sincere servants will be saved." If one asks a Muslim
           to choose between the pleasure sincerity gives and the repulsiveness of
           affectedness, even in the absence of a provision in the Qur'an on the
           subject, he will immediately choose naturalness. That is because a nat-
           ural person is very beautiful. You cannot even compare a natural
           woman to an affected one. An affected woman looks very repulsive.

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