Page 23 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 23
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
apparent are some of the means resorted to by adherents of the
Religion of the Ignorant. They generally prefer indirect modes of ex-
pression to any open and sincere style.
In contrast to the nobility in Islam, coarseness is the dominant
theme in Ignorantism. Silent protests, such as turning away in anger
during arguments among friends, refusing to speak, suddenly turn-
ing one's back and storming out, sulking for protracted periods of
time, deliberately not laughing at comical things, or wearing down
the opposing side by refusing to answer or giving curt and abrupt
responses are just a few of these vulgar, banal forms of behavior.
Giving Oneself Airs and Belittling Others
Adherents of the Religion of the Ignorant constantly seek to es-
tablish superiority over one another, and do everything they can to
put others down, because they imagine they can rise to the top only
by pushing others down.
Workplace supervisors or people of high rank generally use be-
havior such as appearing irritable and abrupt, or giving the impres-
sion that they are very busy and have no time for their own
subordinates. Engaging in behavior that makes it clear one has no
respect for others is regarded as quite justifiable in Ignorantism. One
way of belittling other people in this religion is to address only cer-
tain individuals in a group, to look only at them and to ignore every-
one else. Another device frequently employed is to address
everyone around but the person whom one does not want to appear
to be dealing with directly, even though one knows that he is inter-
ested in that particular subject.
Continuing to do what one was busy doing while another is
talking, displaying as little interest as possible by refusing to look at
someone who is talking, or deliberately avoiding to answer a ques-