Page 25 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 25
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
centredness that man has. When it covers all one's body, one goes
mad. He loses his consciousness. He becomes evil. This is the attrib-
ute of dajjals, pharaohs and nimrods. This also holds true for man.
That is, that body goes out of control, the man goes mad out of pride,
self-centeredness and arrogance. You can no longer keep him under
control; then he almost totally loses his consciousness. Said Nursi
says, "The whole body becomes engrossed in arrogance." He be-
comes insane out of arrogance, out of self-pride. He admires himself
in every aspect and believes his every idea to be true. There are
many such types of people, I don't know if you have ever met any.
They think they are scholars, that they know best, that they are the
wisest, who speak the best words and make the most appropriate
diagnoses. They know no other being except themselves. The fact is
however, that Allah says, I take refuge in Allah from satan, "Over
everyone with knowledge is a Knower." But they think they know
Attracting Attention
To attract attention, to make one's presence felt or to prove one-
self in a group environment, the most obvious of the artificial be-
havior and attitudes resorted to are:
Seeking to appear different and to give oneself a unique air by
engaging in inappropriate behavior,
Adopting a heavy and serious air in a happy environment,
speaking little,
Engaging in frivolous activities in situations where concentra-
tion is required,
Reacting more than is appropriate or else exhibiting an inap-
propriate lack of reaction,