Page 13 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 13

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

        cerity, toward artificial and affected behavior. Adherents of this false
        religion do not generally behave naturally and spontaneously. They
        employ modes of behavior, speech and facial expressions in a way
        they think will be appropriate, and engage in constant role-playing.
        Yet they imagine that they are living exceedingly natural and normal
             This false system produces insincere, artificial human models
        with false identities. Why does such an evil religion, bringing with it
        all kinds of trouble and suffering, hold large sections of society under
        its sway? The most important reason is, as already mentioned, that it
        lacks any formal name. Adherents of this wicked religion never even
        think to question, abandon or change it, because they are unaware
        that the system they live under is actually a religion, and regard it as
        "the facts, "or" the immutable laws of life."
             As long as people fail to remedy this situation and turn away
        from the religion of the ignorant, they cannot properly comprehend
        and live by Islam, because sincerity and naturalness are among the
        fundamental tenets of Islam. A person can live by Islam, and thus
        achieve true happiness and salvation, only by being uncompromis-
        ingly sincere towards Allah, himself and others. Faith can only be
        built on a foundation of sincerity. In order to free yourself of the effect
        of the Religion of the Ignorant, that satanic religion must first be iden-
        tified and defined. That is the aim of this book. The following chapters
        shall examine the characteristics of Ignorantism in some detail.
             The reader's task is to personally weigh and review the charac-
        teristics of this false religion. One may be reluctant to admit it, but the
        Religion of the Ignorant can exert a definite effect on anyone. Ridding
        yourself of this dark religion that impacts on every moment of peo-
        ple's lives calls, first and foremost, for close attention and sincerity.

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