Page 41 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 41

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

        the Religion of the Ignorant. But if one listens to it readily, with ease,
        if one is comfortable with his conversation and existence, that means
        he does not live by the Religion of the Ignorant, insha'Allah.

               ON KANAL 35 (IZMIR) (FEBRUARY 14, 2009)
             ADNAN OKTAR: For instance he is very artificial, he uses ges-
        tures, adopts a crazy style like an artist, as if reciting a poem. You
        know there are such types around; very artificial types with an in-
        comprehensible insincere attitude who put on a weird show. They
        convey the message of the religion with a very bizarre style resem-
        bling such a show. Those who pay close attention and check their
        memories will immediately understand. They unwisely employ a
        heavenly style while talking about religion as if there were any need
        for it. Their eyes become dull, as if in contemplation. They engage in
        something with light music in the background. Something like the
        music of a pipe, a reed flute. Why do they need it? The religion is the
        obvious fact itself.
             A person who really enjoys himself has a natural expression.
        But they are not happy. The majority of them put on a show, a show
        of happiness. This is something very painful.

             Hollow and Pointless Speech
             In the Religion of the Ignorant, the most distinguishing feature
        of speech is its hollow, pointless nature. Speaking just for the sake of
        hearing one's own voice or for absolutely no reason at all has be-
        come a habit. Clichéd subjects that cannot possibly lead to any con-
        clusion represent the basis of such conversations, whose subject
        matter is generally very wide-ranging. Having a chitchat, as it's
        termed, represents an important part of daily life in Ignorantism.

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