Page 42 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 42


            Such conversations usually open using the same, tired formulae,
            such as "Nowhere else in the world would . . ." or "No other country
            would ever . . ." or "In the last 24 hours . . ."Then the discourse is en-
            larged on and expanded by saying, "If I were to rule," "We will never
            get anywhere," or "I taught them all they know." One of the most
            popular kinds of speech is aimed at familiar or unfamiliar ideas on
            all kinds of subjects. Talk of this kind never leads anywhere, and
            even if it does, never brings any benefit. It generally stems from a
            desire to give the impression that one possesses ideas, thoughts and
            thorough analyses.

                 Fruitless and Unwise Speech
                 In the Religion of the Ignorant, even subjects that need to be
            briefly discussed are made complex and irresolvable. Problems that
            could have been solved in a short time are prolonged for hours.
            Conversations turn into mutually entrenched positions, stubborn-
            ness and personality displays. Business conferences and residency
            meetings all stage such scenes. Lack of wisdom pervades at all
            times. It is impossible to express subjects in an intelligent, wise and
            rational form, because wisdom is a superior attribute that Allah
            gives only to those of His servants He selects. It is revealed in one
            verse of the Qur'an that:
                 He gives wisdom to whoever He wills and he who has been
                 given wisdom has been given great good. But no one pays
                 heed but people of intelligence. (Surat al-Baqara, 269)
                 Adherents of Ignorantism who lack the reason and wisdom re-
            vealed in the Qur'an are unable to explain in minutes, or even hours,
            a subject that could be summed up in a few sentences. Sometimes
            they prolong a subject capable of a very swift summary for several

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