Page 45 - The Religion Of The Ignorant
P. 45
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
interrupting are all ways of belittling the other party. Failing to an-
swer or ignoring questions by pretending one has not heard, in
order to give oneself a serious air is another means. Deliberately
making someone repeat something one has heard perfectly well,
pretending to misunderstand, and starting up a conversation with
another person when someone else is speaking, making it clear that
one is not listening to them, are other examples of being disrespect-
ful. Mocking speech includes making it clear that one is not inter-
ested in what someone else is saying, or despises it by adopting an
authoritarian tone.
Speaking on the Telephone
Using a tone or style different from the one usually employed is
another feature of the Religion of the Ignorant. Pronouncing "Hello"
in different insincere ways according to one's status at the time—
such as adopting an ultra-serious tone of voice if one enjoys high
rank—is one such example.
Other behaviors to be encountered in Ignorantism when speak-
ing on the telephone include finding the courage to say things that
one would hesitate to say in person; sitting anxiously by the phone
when waiting for a call from a person one is hoping to benefit from,
yet at other times only answering after letting the phone ring for a
long time.
Sending silent messages to onlookers by rolling one's eyes
when speaking with someone, using artificial terminology to intro-
duce oneself, slamming down the receiver to make it plain that one
is angry, making insincere compliments to the other party and then
disparaging or mocking them after hanging up are also peculiar to
the Religion of the Ignorant.