Page 51 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 51

The Characteristics of the Jumping Spider        51

                                                                  The ability of the
                                                                  jumping spider's
                                                                  eyes to see
                                                                  independently of
                                                                  the others
                                                                  enables bodies
                                                                  to be perceived
                                                                  more quickly.
                                                                  This capacity,
              Two of the spider's eyes extend                     proof of God's
              forward from the middle of its head.
              These two large eyes can move left                  great knowledge,
              and right and up and down in their                  makes the
              sockets. Their retina of four tiers,
              sensitive to ultraviolet wavelengths,               jumping spider a
              give perfect vision. The other four                 master hunter.
              eyes on the side of its
              head can make out any
              movement around it.
              This enables the
              spider sense prey
              or foe in any

                 Let us think about what we have learned about the jumping spider
            so far. Its bodily construction is such as to enable it to make swift moves,
            and catch its prey with one jump. In the same way its eyes allow it to see
            its prey from any direction.
                 Naturally, the spider did not think that these extra eyes might be
            useful to it and then make them. And these eyes did not come about by
            chance. The animal was created, together with its characteristics, by God.

            The theory of evolution, which cannot explain how even one eye came
            into existence, is unable to make any comment concerning the jumping
            spider's eight eyes and the perfect coordination between them.
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