Page 54 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 54

Jumping spiders' imitations of ants are so perfect that
              other jumping spiders mistake them for real ants and try to
              hunt them.

              spider to look like an ant, it is not enough for it to
              stick its legs up in the air. It also has to copy the
              ants' walk and body position. To do this it has to be
              an expert observer and also be expert at portraying
              what it sees, like an actor playing a role.
                   As we have seen, the spider uses methods of
              imitation, which require thinking, putting its
              thoughts into action, and realising the necessary
              physical transformations as it does so. No thinking,
              intelligent person will find it hard to see that the
              spider cannot do all this. For one thing, the spider's
              brain is not capable of that kind of thinking. So,

              what is the source of the spider's abilities? But
              before coming to any conclusion, it will be useful to
              examine some other qualities necessary for the
              disguise to be complete.
                   The spider's disguise consists of more than
              just the above. In order to look like an ant it needs
              to hide its eyes, which are not single large points,     The spiders use their
                                                                      colours to camouflage
              like the ants' are. But a characteristic of the spider
                                                                   themselves. This jumping
              has resolved this problem. Two dark spots on the    spider was created with the
              spider's sides mimic the weaver ant's large         same colours and patterns
                                                                  as the ground. It waits until
              compound eyes.  15
                                                                  a moth, which cannot see it
                   Let us stop and think. The spider cannot know       because of its colour,
              about the two spots on either side of its head. It is  comes by, and then jumps
                                                                                    on it.
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