Page 56 - The Miracle in the Spider
P. 56

hardly intelligent to talk about a situation where a spider knows about
              something and consciously develops a strategy from it. In that case, how
              did the spider, which lives on ants and mimics them, come by the
              counterfeit eyes on the side of its head? How did the spider manage to
              "learn," "count," and "mimic?" What would have happened if it had not
              had those false eyes? In that case, no matter how good a mimic the spider

              was, the ants would identify it. If the ants realised the danger and reacted
              before the spider did, then that would be the end of the spider. The ants
              would kill the spider with their powerful jaws. As is obvious, it is not
              enough for the spider to mimic ants, it also has to have those false eyes
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