Page 77 - Der kleine Mann im Turm
P. 77

HarunYahya-Adnan Oktar

                of the Brit ish Geo log i cal Asso ci a tion, vol 87, 1976, p. 133.
                16. Doug las J. Futuy ma, Sci ence on Trial, Pan the on Books, New
                York, 1983. p. 197.
                17. Solly Zuck er man, Beyond The Ivory Tower, Topling er Pub li ca -

                tions, New York, 1970, pp. 75-14; Charles E. Oxnard, "The Place
                of Aus tra lop i the ci nes in Human Evo lu tion: Grounds for Doubt",
                Nature, vol 258, p. 389.
                18. "Could sci ence be brought to an end by sci en tists' belief that
                they have final answers or by soci e ty's reluc tance to pay the
                bills?" Sci en tif ic Amer i can, Decem ber 1992, p. 20.
                19. Alan Walk er, Sci ence, vol. 207, 7 March 1980, p. 1103; A. J.
                Kelso, Phys i cal Antro pol o gy, 1st ed., J. B. Lip in cott Co., New
                York, 1970, p. 221; M. D. Leak ey, Old u vai Gorge, vol. 3, Cam -

                bridge Uni ver si ty Press, Cam bridge, 1971, p. 272.
                20. Jef frey Klu ger, "Not So Extinct After All: The Prim i tive Homo
                Erec tus May Have Sur vived Long Enough To Coex ist With Mod -
                ern Humans", Time, 23 Decem ber 1996.
                21. S. J. Gould, Nat u ral His to ry, vol. 85, 1976, p. 30.
                22. Solly Zuck er man, Beyond The Ivory Tower, p. 19.
                23. Rich ard Lewon tin, "The Demon-Haunt ed World," The New

                York Review of Books, January 9, 1997, p. 28.
                24. Mal colm Mug ge ridge, The End of Chris ten dom, Grand Rapids:
                Eerd mans, 1980, p. 43.

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