Page 31 - New Research Demolishes Evolution
P. 31


              here is no concrete fossil evidence to support the "ape-man" image, which is
          T unceasingly indoctrinated by the media and evolutionist academic circles. With
          brushes in their hands, evolutionists produce imaginary creatures, yet the fact that these
          drawings have no matching fossils constitutes a serious problem for them. One of the
          interesting methods they employ to overcome this problem is to "produce" the fossils
          they cannot find. The Piltdown Man, the biggest scandal in the history of science, is a
          typical example of this method.

             Piltdown Man: An Orang-utan Jaw and a Human Skull!
             A well-known doctor and also an amateur paleoanthropologist, Charles Dawson
          came out with an assertion that he had found a jawbone and a cranial fragment in a pit
          in Piltdown, England in 1912. Even though the jawbone was more ape-like, the teeth and
          the skull were like a man's. These specimens were labelled the "Piltdown Man". Alleged
          to be 500 thousand years old, they were displayed as an absolute proof of human evolu-
          tion in several museums. For more than 40 years, many scientific articles were written on
          the "Piltdown Man", many interpretations and drawings were made, and the fossil was
          presented as an important evidence of human evolution.  No less than five hundred doc-
          toral theses were written on the subject. 45  The famous American paleoanthropologist
          Henry Fairfield Osborn said "…we have to be reminded over and over again that Nature
          is full of paradoxes and this is an astonishing finding about early man…" while he was
          visiting the British Museum in 1935. 46
             In 1949, Kenneth Oakley from the British Museum's paleontology department
          attempted to try the method of  "fluorine testing", a new test used for determining the
          date of some old fossils. A trial was made on the fossil of the Piltdown Man. The result
          was astounding. During the test, it was realised that the jawbone of the Piltdown Man
                                                        ORANG-UTAN JAW AND
                                                        A HUMAN SKULL
                                                        Piltdown man fossil, which
                                                        deceived the world of sci-
                                                        ence for more than 40 years,
                                                        was in fact a scientific fraud
                                                        committed by evolutionists
                                                        combining two different
                                                        pieces of bone.
                                                        On the left is the false fossil
                                                        and the imaginary Piltdown
                                                        man illustrated based on it.

                 HARUN YAHYA
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