Page 40 - New Research Demolishes Evolution
P. 40




                 CELL                                          With all its oper-
               MEMBRANE                                        ational systems,
                                                               systems of com-
                         CELL MEMBRANE                         transportation
                                                               and manage-
                                                               ment, a cell is
                                                               no less complex
                                                               than any city.

             Far from being formed under primitive earth conditions, the cell, which in its com-
          position and mechanisms is so complex, cannot be synthesised in even the most sophis-
          ticated laboratories of our day. Even with the use of amino acids, the building blocks of
          the cell, it is not possible to produce so much as a single organelle of the cell, such as mito-
          chondria or ribosome, much less a whole cell. The first cell claimed to have been pro-
          duced by evolutionary coincidence is as much a figment of the imagination and a prod-
          uct of fantasy as the unicorn.
             The English mathematician and astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle made a similar compari-
          son in one of his interviews published in Nature magazine dated November 12, 1981.
          Although an evolutionist himself, Hoyle expressed that the chance that higher life forms
          might have emerged in this way is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping
          through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein. 53  This
          means that it is not possible for the cell to come into being by coincidence and therefore,
          it definitely should have been "created".

             Proteins Challenge Coincidence

             And it is not just the cell that cannot be produced: the formation, under natural con-
          ditions, of even a single protein of the thousands of complex protein molecules making
          up a cell is impossible.

                                        THE COLLAPSE OF THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION
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