Page 73 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 73

one's own conscience, not giving way to the urges of the self,
             struggling with feelings of jealousy, striving for modesty,
             putting trust in Allah and trying to be steadfast. Further-
             more, one can ponder on these subjects in such a way as to
             increase the profundity of one's understanding. Therefore,
             the important point is to seize these opportunities whenever
             they present themselves.
                 In addition, one can also give thought to the kind of
             things that we often take for granted, varying from the blos-
             soming of plants, to birds flying in the sky, from the benefit
             of the oxygen we breathe, to our hearts which continuously
             beat. One who has an enquiring mind that does not stop at
             the most obvious or facile explanations, will start to think
             deeply. Allah states in the Qur'an that believers are people of
                 In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the
                 alternation of night and day, there are Signs for peo-
                 ple with intelligence: those who remember Allah,
                 standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect
                 on the creation of the heavens and the earth [saying]:
                 "Our Lord, You have not created this for nothing.
                 Glory be to You! So safeguard us from the punish-
                 ment of the Fire." (Surah Al 'Imran: 190-191)

                66. What prevents deep thinking?

                 One's attention may easily be distracted from a particu-
             lar subject by other things. While thinking about an impor-
             tant matter, one may find oneself distracted by the ordinary
             things one intends to do the following day, or even by the
             pen one is holding in one's hand. Such distractedness hin-

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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