Page 78 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 78

The most important point about thinking is surely the
             fact that it is a gain which everyone makes with his own per-
             sonal efforts. No one can force another to think. That is why
             one who thinks thoroughly helps only himself. Allah points
             out in the Qur'an that only people who reflect will take
             proper heed of the events they encounter, and that people
             who pay attention in this way can save their eternal lives.
             Allah states that some people avoid being reminded, and
             therefore will end up feeling endless regret:
                 Remind, then, if the reminder benefits. He who has
                 fear will be reminded; but the most miserable will
                 shun it, those who will roast in the Greatest Fire and
                 then neither die nor live in it. (Surat al-A'la: 9-13)

                69. How can one consider Allah with the
                consideration that is due to Him?
                 From the moment we wake up, we meet with the gifts
             that Allah has given to us. We can breathe, see, hear and
             think, our hearts beat, our cells are renewed. When we are
             hungry, we eat, enjoy the flavour and become stronger.
             When we are thirsty, we can quench our thirst. We can speak.
                 These are but a few of the gifts bestowed by Allah on
             mankind. The real important thing for a person who is
             aware of these gifts is to measure Allah with His true meas-
             ure. Allah is the Glorious One, He is the Owner and Creator
             of everything. One needs to try to know Allah, reflecting on
             Him with His exalted attributes. Allah mentions the great-
             ness of His glory in the Qur'an as follows:
                 They do not measure Allah with His true measure.
                 The whole earth will be a mere handful for Him on

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