Page 81 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 81

Since they always consider the benefits of the religion in
             every action they take, it becomes very difficult to intimidate
             them or lead them astray. These people, no matter what the
             conditions are and no matter what they are offered in return,
             do not hesitate to say what is right and just, and do not di-
             verge from what they believe to be right.
                 This annoys unbelievers, because it endangers their per-
             sonal worldly interests. For instance, whereas unbelievers
             try to live and make others live according to their own ideas,
             believers who adhere to the example of the prophet follow
             only the commands of Allah. They teach people the inappro-
             priateness of the ignorant system that unbelievers live in,
             and the beauty of the religion which will bring peace and
             happiness to people both in this world and in the Hereafter.
                 For these reasons, in every age, unbelievers have at-
             tempted to hinder messengers by using various methods. Ex-
             amples of this are related in the Qur'an. By means of
             inconsistent and irrational arguments, unbelievers attempt to
             deny what Allah's messengers convey. They try to stop them
             with verbal threats. When verbal means fail, they try to make
             believers revert from the right way by means of real physical
             methods. However none of these methods works; they can
             never bring forth convincing evidence against the truths that
             messengers and sincere believers convey; nor can they put for-
             ward ideas that successfully oppose ideas based upon truth.
                 In many verses Allah has given examples of the verbal
             assaults of unbelievers, and of groundless allegations they
             made against prophets:
                 The ruling circle of those of his [Nuh's] people who
                 disbelieved said, "This is nothing but a human being
                 like yourselves who simply wants to gain ascendancy

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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