Page 84 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 84

75. Why can't anyone other than a believer be
                taken as a friend?

                 People who do not have sincere faith in Allah, who do
             not comply with His limits and do not fear Him can never
             be friends to believers. Certainly good relations based on re-
             spect may be established with these people but it is not pos-
             sible to have close friendship with them.  A believer who
             seeks the friendship, love and pleasure of Allah, surely, con-
             siders only those whom He takes as friends his friends. He
             knows that the contrary could lead to the loss of the friend-
             ship and pleasure of Allah. Allah has warned believers
             against such behaviour as follows:
                 You who believe! Do not take the disbelievers as
                 friends rather than the believers. Do you want to
                 give Allah clear proof against you? (Surat an-Nisa':
                 Apart from this, it is also technically impossible to take
             those who do not believe as friends. Before all else, most of
             them are not reliable. Faithfulness and loyalty in friendship
             cannot be expected from a person who does not mind losing
             the friendship of Allah. Undoubtedly, such a person would
             abandon his friend, should this friendship collide with his
             personal interests. What is more, he would not hesitate to
             betray this "friend" when it suited his interests.
                 Unbelievers can never be truly self-sacrificing, because
             their entire lives and mentalities are based on selfishness.
             They are not concerned with the reckoning of their so-called
             friend in the Hereafter, hence they do not urge him to what
             is right or discourage him from wrong in order to protect
             him from Hell. More concisely, they do not possess the at-

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