Page 80 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 80

the infinite mercy and forgivingness of Allah, and to pray as
             He has advised us in the Qur'an, "... Our Lord, do not take
             us to task if we forget or make a mistake..." (Surat al-Baq-
             ara: 286).

                71. Were messengers sent to every past nation?
                 Allah has informed us in the Qur'an that He sent a mes-
             senger to every past nation. Allah's messengers have invited
             their people to the religion of Allah, showed them the right
             way, conveyed the prohibitions of Allah, explained to them
             the closeness of death, the reason for their existence in the
             world and the existence of Paradise and Hell. With the jus-
             tice of Allah, all mankind was warned and given good news
             by means of His messengers. This is a very important point
             which shows that everybody has heard the call of Allah, and
             that people will not be able to plead ignorance in the
             Hereafter. Allah enlightens mankind about this point in the
             following verse:
                 We have sent you with the truth bringing good news
                 and giving warning. There is no community to
                 which a warner has not come. (Surat Fatir: 24)

                72. Why have unbelievers cast aspersions on all
                prophets throughout history?
                 The fact that prophets always communicate the religion
             of Allah never pleases unbelievers. This is because people
             who understand and fulfil what they are told demonstrate a
             change in themselves and move away from the superstitious
             systems of the unbelievers. For instance, since they know
             that they should fear only Allah after they become believers,
             it is no longer possible to frighten them with any other thing.

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