Page 79 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 79

the Day of Rising, the heavens folded up in His
                 right hand... (Surat az-Zumar: 67)

                 In the universe, from the creation of man to the stages of
             the occurrence of the Day of Rising, from the creation of the
             heavens to the existence of the seas and the mountains, there
             is a magnificence and infinite power, which belong to Allah
             alone, Who possesses all knowledge.
                 Allah has sent mankind revelations and prophets. He
             makes Himself known to us both by the matchless knowl-
             edge and artistry manisfested in every living thing that He
             creates, and by means of His books and prophets. The re-
             sponsibility of mankind is to think as profoundly as one can
             in order to measure the exaltedness and greatness of Allah
             with the measure that is due to Him.

                70. What should one do when one makes a
                mistake or forgets?

                 Man is created weak; he may forget things or may make
             mistakes. Not to forget and not to be wrong are peculiar
             only to Allah. What is important is to act on it when one re-
             members what is right. Allah gives an example of this be-
             haviour in Surat al-An'am as follows:
                 ... And if satan should ever cause you to forget, once
                 you remember, do not stay sitting with the wrongdo-
                 ers. (Surat al-An'am: 68)
                 As stated in the verse, one may, unawares or as a result
             of forgetting, behave in a way which is not good. That is
             why it would be inappropriate to feel sad or to be anxious
             because of things forgotten or because of mistakes made.
             What believers should do in such cases is to take refuge in

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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