Page 77 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 77

thinks that everything is created by Allah, sees His traces in
             every detail, and understands that everything is specifically
             created for mankind.
                 For example, reflecting on the exquisite systems pos-
             sessed by living beings, including mankind, and remember-
             ing that the planet he lives on and the whole universe has
             been built by a supreme power, brings the person to a better
             knowledge of Allah. This softens the heart of the individual,
             and enhances the respect, love and awe that he feels for
             Allah. His faith increases, since he sees the signs of Allah's
             power and exaltedness in all living things, from trees to
             birds, to ants, to butterflies, and in every mechanism of their
             beings. Allah draws attention to the fact that only people
             who reflect will see and appreciate the evidence of the truth
             that is all around them:
                 In the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alter-
                 nation of the night and day, and the ships which sail
                 the seas for people's benefit, and the water which
                 Allah sends down from the sky—by which He brings
                 the earth to life when it was dead and scatters about in
                 it creatures of every kind—and the varying direction
                 of the winds, and the clouds subservient between
                 heaven and earth, there are Signs for people who use
                 their intellect. (Surat al-Baqara: 164)
                 A person who has certain faith in Allah comprehends
             that the world is not without a purpose and that there are
             important things he should reflect on. He knows that every-
             thing given to him is what Allah has bestowed on him, for
             which he gives thanks. He always thinks about the Hereafter
             and asks for forgiveness in order to be protected from the
             terror of that day.

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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