Page 89 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 89

because of what he has, but thanks Allah for what He has be-
             stowed on him and spends what he has in the way that
             would please Him the most.
                 In the Qur'an, Allah makes an example of a man of
             wealth and property. That man owns gardens which are re-
             markably fertile. However, boasting of what he possesses,
             he pretends not to understand that it is Allah Who has given
             these to him and becomes ungrateful. His companion, who
             is a believer, warns him about this attitude of his as follows:
                 His companion, with whom he was debating, said to
                 him, "Do you then disbelieve in Him Who created
                 you from dust, then from a drop of sperm, and then
                 formed you as a man? He is, however, Allah, my
                 Lord, and I will not associate anyone with my Lord.
                 Why, when you entered your garden, did you not
                 say, 'It is as Allah wills, there is no strength but in
                 Allah?' "... (Surat al-Kahf: 37-39)
                 As exemplified in the verse, the behaviour of believers is
             to remember Allah and give thanks to Him for the gifts
             given to them.

                81. What does being "wise" mean?
                 Being "wise" means to talk and behave rationally, con-
             cisely and fittingly. A wise person has the insight, the ability
             to see the true aspects of events, and possesses profound un-
             derstanding. For that reason all his decisions and actions are
             to the point. His words are striking and moving. Everything
             he says produces a profound effect on the hearts of others.
                 Wisdom is a virtue given by Allah to truly sincere people
             who in every instant turn towards Allah, who live and think
             according to the Qur'an. Allah has stated that wisdom is a

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