Page 91 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 91

bidden them only to spend wastefully. Today, however, in
             societies remote from Islamic morals, extravagance is not
             paid the attention it is due. In restaurants and houses, plates
             of food and huge amounts of bread, fruits and vegetables are
             thoughtlessly thrown away. But Allah has forbidden extrav-
             agance, whether in significant or insignificant amounts.
             Therefore people should try to find a way to make use of all
             such provision before they spoil, instead of throwing them
             away saying, "this has gone off" or "we cannot use this".
             Only in this way can they give these gifts their due; other-
             wise the result is scarcity and ingratitude to Allah.

                83. How do angels take people in death? Does
                the person see the angel when his soul is being
                 Death is a sort of transformation in dimension. The con-
             nection between the soul of the person and his worldly body
             becomes severed when he dies. Beginning from the moment
             man dies, he passes to a dimension where he can see the an-
             gels of death. This transition is also the beginning of man's
             eternal life. Along with passing to a different dimension, the
             person sees the angel who has come to take his soul, who
             even talks to him. However, not everybody is taken in death
             in the same way. What the angels who come to take the soul
             of believers do and say is entirely different from those who
             come to take soul of the unbelievers.
                 The angels take the soul of believers in a virtuous state,
             saying "peace be upon you!" At the same time they give the
             glad tidings of Paradise they will enter. (Surat an-Nahl: 32)
                 On the other hand, the angel who comes to take an un-
             believer in death beats his face and his back when he least

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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