Page 93 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 93

to consider Allah in a manner inappropriate to His exalted-
             ness and causes him to be in continual doubt. As a result of
             this, instead of pondering on the greatness of Allah and on
             the meaning of his life in the world, he wastes his time with
             things that are of no benefit either to himself or to other peo-
             ple. Consequently, satan achieves success with this person,
             whose unawareness of the Qur'an and remoteness from
             Islamic morals lead him to endless punishment. It is stated
             in the Qur'an that unbelievers and wrongdoers are always
             susceptible to the influence of satan, and act under the direc-
             tion of his whisperings:

                 Shall I tell you upon whom the satans descend?
                 They descend on every evil liar. They give them a
                 hearing and most of them are liars. (Surat ash-
                 Shu'ara': 221-223)

                85. How can man escape from the whisperings
                of satan?

                 As Allah informs us in the Qur'an, satan's scheming is al-
             ways feeble (Surat an-Nisa': 76). He has no authority over
             those who believe and put their trust in our Lord. Allah has
             informed believers about what they should do when satan
             whispers to them and about how to escape from his whis-
             pering. Believers, who obey the Qur'an, immediately seek
             refuge in Allah from satan when he whispers to them. Very
             quickly they see that the thought crossing their mind is, in
             fact, a whisper of satan. Without being distressed at all, they
             remember Allah and escape this evil trick. The Qur'an in-
             forms us of this:
                 If an evil impulse from satan provokes you, seek ref-

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