Page 97 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 97

cide or theft. They never do things which they will not be
             able to account for in the Hereafter.
                 Where people live by Islamic morals, there is no greed for
             personal interests. Every man is liable to do the best he can for
             the common benefit of religion. Therefore, a disturbance that
             may result from the clash of interests does not exist.
                 There is no compulsion where religion is concerned.
             Believers are responsible only to communicate the truths
             which are revealed by religion.
                 In addition to these, it is stated in the Qur'an that Allah
             sends down peace of reassurance into the hearts of believers.
             This is a great gift of Allah to righteous believers. This fact is
             related in the Qur'an as follows:
                 It is He Who sent down serenity into the hearts of
                 the believers thereby increasing their faith with
                 more faith—the legions of the heavens and the earth
                 belong to Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
                 (Surat al-Fath: 4)
                 What has been mentioned so far is only a general descrip-
             tion of the delightful environment that Islamic morals offer to
             mankind. Religion produces the most peaceful, the most ideal
             and the most perfect environment that could ever be in the
             world, both for the individual and for communities.

                89. What are the morals of trade as advised in
                the Qur'an?

                 A believer performs every deed in order to earn the good
             pleasure of Allah. No matter what he is engaged in, he does
             not let it divert him from his real aim. Allah has mentioned
             in the Qur'an that trade or commerce does not make believ-
             ers forget their real goal:

                                   HARUN YAHYA
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