Page 98 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 98

... There are men who proclaim His glory morning
                 and evening, not distracted by trade or commerce
                 from the remembrance of Allah and the establish-
                 ment of prayer and the payment of alms; fearing a
                 day when all hearts and eyes will be in turmoil.
                 (Surat an-Nur: 36-37)
                 Allah wants believers to be of virtuous character, and be-
             lievers strive to fulfil the requirements of this character
             whatever activity they are engaged in. Hence, they are hon-
             est, sincere, diligent, fair and modest even while they are
             conducting trade. Their attention is again focused on the
             pleasure of Allah and on the limits of what He permits and
             what He forbids. Besides this, Allah has also commanded
             believers not to encroach on the rights of others, to give full
             measure and full weight, and not to cheat people of their be-
             longings (Surah Hud: 85).
                 In Surat al-Isra', Allah states that it is better to be honest,
             to be fair and to please Him by means of exhibiting such
             good behaviour:
                 Give full measure when you measure and weigh
                 with a level balance. That is better and gives the best
                 result. (Surat al-Isra': 35)

                90. How does not putting trust in Allah destroy
                the soul?
                 Putting one's trust in Allah means to trust in and rely on
             Allah in every matter, and to yield to Him knowing that He is
             the unique protector. Believers, who are aware of the fact that
             events take place under the whole control of Allah, know that
             He always supports and helps those who believe in Him. Peo-
             ple who are in this frame of mind, surely feel peace and secu-

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