Page 103 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 103

These verses of Surat al-Jinn abolish the erroneous beliefs
             that people have about the jinn. In addition, the jinn who
             served the Prophet Sulayman (peace be upon him) are also
             mentioned in the Qur'an, and it is mentioned that these jinn
             learned that the Prophet Sulayman (pbuh) had died much
             later on. Therefore, people who seek refuge in the jinn—hop-
             ing to find favour with them—should know that they falling
             into great error; it is not possible, unless Allah wills, for jinn
             to gain any knowledge about the future. The fact that jinn do
             not have any knowledge of the future is pointed out in the
             story of Prophet Sulayman (peace be upon him) in the
                 Then when We decreed that he should die, nothing
                 divulged his death to them except the worm which
                 ate his staff; so that when he fell down it was made
                 clear to the jinn that if they had truly had knowl-
                 edge of the unseen they need not have stayed there
                 suffering humiliating punishment. (Surah Saba': 14)
                 Other verses in Surat al-Jinn which relate to the fact that
             the jinn cannot know the unseen are as follows:
                 We tried, as usual, to travel to heaven in search of
                 news but found it filled with fierce guards and mete-
                 ors. We used to sit there on special seats to listen in.
                 But anyone listening now finds a fiery meteor in wait
                 for him. We have no idea whether evil is intended for
                 those on the earth, or whether their Lord intends
                 them to be rightly guided. (Surat al-Jinn: 8-10)

                95. Can the question of how life emerged on
                earth be answered by the fossil record?

                 We can easily find the answer to the question of how liv-

                                  HARUN YAHYA
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