Page 105 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 105
complex structures no different from those of today. Fossils
that appeared in the Cambrian period have been shocking
for scientists, especially for the evolutionists. Because ac-
cording to the theory of evolution, creatures of that period
should have had "primitive" systems, different from the liv-
ing things of today.
However the complex systems they have like eyes, gills
and circulatory system are evidence of the fact that these
creatures were not primitive. For example, the trilobites of
the Cambrian period had compound eyes with multi-
faceted eye lenses as do some insects today. These complexly
structured eyes of the trilobites consisted of hundreds of
hexagonal lenses forming a structure resembling a honey-
comb. This perfect eye structure which appeared 530 million
years ago forced evolutionists to express their amazement.
David Raup, an evolutionist professor of geology at Har-
vard, Rochester, and Chicago Universities, is forced to ac-
knowledge the impossibility of the formation of the trilobite
eye by chance saying: "the trilobites 450 million years ago
used an optimal design which would require a well trained
and imaginative optical engineer to develop today". (David
Raup, "Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology", Bulletin,
Field Museum of Natural History, Vol 50, January 1979, p. 24.)
97. Can evolutionists, who assert that dinosaurs
took wing while hunting flies, explain the origin
of flies?
Evolutionists cannot come up with an explanation for
the origin of flies. Yet, surprisingly, though they cannot ex-
plain the formation of a tiny fly, they attempt to explain the
transformation of gigantic dinosaurs into birds. Moreover,