Page 108 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 108

neously or by chance. In a small space which can only be seen by
            a microscope, there are incredibly complex structures such as spe-
            cialised working systems, communication systems, systems for in-
            coming and out-going transportation, control systems for the
            exchange of materials and centres where information is recorded.
            W. H. Thorpe, an evolutionist scientist, acknowledges the exqui-
            siteness in the structure of a cell saying: "the most elementary type
            of cell constitutes a 'mechanism' unimaginably more complex than
            any machine yet thought up, let alone constructed, by man." (W. R.
            Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Co.,
            1991, pp. 298-99.)
               The probability of the spontaneous formation of such a perfect
            structure, which mankind, with 20th century technology at its dis-
            posal cannot succeed in producing, is "zero". The cell is created by
            Allah with its complete perfect structure.

              100. Could the molecule called DNA, which is
              found in the nucleus of cells, have come into being
              by chance?

               DNA is a molecule, which has an extremely complex structure.
            This molecule contains the complete information of the human
            body, which is recorded by means of a special coding system. In
            addition to features like height, eye, hair and skin colours, the
            DNAof a single cell also contains the design of 206 bones, 600 mus-
            cles, a network of 10,000 auditory muscles, a network of 2 million
            optic nerves, 100 billion nerve cells and 100 trillion cells in the
            body. If we were to write down the information coded in the DNA,
            we would end up with a giant library consisting of 900 volumes of
            encyclopaedias of 500 pages each. Yet this incredibly voluminous
            information is not encoded in volumes of encyclopaedias, but in
            the components of DNA called "genes".

                               QUICK GRASP OF FAITH – 2 –
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