Page 106 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 106

they fabricate an imaginary scenario asserting that dinosaurs
             who flapped their front legs to hunt flies took flight. It is, un-
             doubtedly, senseless for a theory which cannot come up with
             an explanation even for a tiny fly, to comment on how com-
             pletely flightless creatures managed to take to the air.
                 Evolutionists have valid reasons for not mentioning the
             origin of flies. First of all, flies have a perfect flight mecha-
             nism, which cannot be wholly imitated even with today's
             technology. An average fly has a wing system that enables it
             to flutter its wings 500 times a second. Moreover, this system
             is planned so perfectly that it is able to move both its wings
             simultaneously at such an amazing speed. Apart from this,
             it has a complex respiratory system. It can use the oxygen it
             needs to fly in a much quicker and much more efficient way
             than other living things.
                 English biologist Robin Wootton describes the perfect
             creation of the fly as follows:
                The better we understand the functioning of insect
                wings, the more subtle and beautiful their designs ap-
                pear. . . . Structures are traditionally designed to deform
                as little as possible; mechanisms are designed to move
                component parts in predictable ways. Insect wings com-
                bine both in one, using components with a wide range of
                elastic properties, elegantly assembled to allow appropri-
                ate deformations in response to appropriate forces and to
                make the best possible use of air. They have few if any
                technological parallels – yet. (Robin J. Wootton, "The Me-
                chanical Design of Insect Wings", Scientific American, v.
                263, November 1990, p.120)

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