Page 88 - Quick Grasp of Faith 2
P. 88

79. What does "right action" mean?

                 Right actions are deeds, which are performed utterly in
             order to earn the good pleasure of Allah. A person may per-
             form some actions which seem to be remarkable in their
             goodness or self-sacrifice. For instance, he may give consid-
             erable amounts of help, money etc. to those in need. The
             amount of his aid, however, does not indicate that it is a
             right action because people may provide such help in order
             to be known as "good" by others, or to show off or to gain
             people's trust in a business transaction. For a deed to be a
             "right action", it should be performed only to please Allah.
                 One exerts oneself to do one's best while performing
             right actions not because one's aim is to show off, but to at-
             tain the result which would please Allah the most. On ac-
             count of these sincere efforts, Paradise and a good life are
             promised to believers who do good deeds:
                 As for those who believe and do right actions and
                 humble themselves before their Lord, they are the
                 Companions of Paradise remaining in it timelessly,
                 for ever. (Surah Hud: 23)

                 Anyone who acts rightly, male or female, being a be-
                 liever, We will give them a good life and We will rec-
                 ompense them according to the best of what they
                 did. (Surat an-Nahl: 97)

                80. How do believers behave when they are
                given wealth?

                 A believer knows that Allah is the real owner of the en-
             tire Kingdom, and that He gives sovereignty to whoever He
             wills. Therefore, he does not become insolent and arrogant

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