Page 13 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 13

hen you hold this
                                     book in your hand, you
                       are  actu al ly  hold ing  mol e cu les.  As  you
                      sip a cup of cof fee, you are actu al ly drink -
                    ing mol e cu les, and that cof fee aroma that reach -
                  es your nose actu al ly con sists of scent mol e cu les
                 that you are breath ing in. Your tongue that tast es the
               cof fee and your eyes that read these lines are also noth -
               ing more than assort ments of organ ic mol e cu les. When
              you breathe, you are actu al ly inhal ing mol e cu les from the
             out side atmos phere. It is by means of these very mol e cu les
             that you can see, smell and taste. And just like every thing
              around you, your body itself is also made up of mol e cu les.
                 But exact ly what are these mol e cu les that com prise you,
             your skin, the chair you sit in, a cat's fur—and indeed, the
             entire uni verse? In fact, those mol e cu les are noth ing more than
             the mutu al elec tron bonds shared among atoms far too small
             to be seen with the naked eye. By shar ing elec trons with each
             other, atoms link up in long-last ing part ner ships, form ing
             mol e cu les. The results, invis i ble to the naked eye, are an
             aston ish ing and infi nite vari e ty of objects ani mate and inan i -
             mate, from plan ets to human beings, from riv ers to green for -
             ests, from ante lopes to rail ways, and from dai sies to apples.
                 In words acces si ble to every one, this book exam ines how
             Allah (God) has cre at ed mol e cu les and their extraor di na ry fea -
             tures by the seem ing ly sim ple means of bonds between atoms.
             Learning how invis i ble mol e cu les make up all the mat ter the
             uni verse, using your rea son and con science, you can begin to
             see our Lord's infi nite power, intel lect and incom pa ra ble cre a -
             tions, will under stand just how help less we are before Him,
             and bow to Allah's great might.
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