Page 16 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 16

HArun yahya

               divid ed a tiny pin point into 1,840 parts. The elec tron is vast ly small er
               than any of these, because the larg er pro ton pos sess es a mass many mil -
               lions of times small er than any thing we can see. This exam ple illus trates
               just how small this micro world real ly is.  2
                    That part of the atom described as being "full" con sists of these tiny
               par ti cles. If it were pos si ble to remove all the empty space in all the
               atoms in New York City's Empire State Building, the mat ter remain ing
               would be small er in vol ume than a box of sugar. Yet its weight—or as
                   phys i cists call it, mass—would remain unchanged, and it would be
                       impos si ble to lift this small box with even the most pow er ful
                       winch es.  3
                           Why would an atom's mass remain the same when all
                       empty space in it is removed? Because all its mass or den si ty
                        lies in the nucle us and the elec trons that com prise it.
                         Therefore, even though the nucle us and elec trons rep re sent
                          less than 0.1% of the atom's vol ume, they still exert an
                             extraordinary force.
                                             An atom's diam e ter may be as small er
                                                   than a bil lionth of a cen ti me ter (1
                                                       cen ti me ter equals 0.4 of an

                                                             If you remove all the empty
                                                             space inside the atoms
                                                             com pris ing the Empire
                                                              State Building, its vol ume
                                                              will be that of a box of
                                                              sugar. However, they will
                                                              lose none of their mass.
                                                              Not even the most pow er -
                                                              ful winch es will be able to
                                                              move this box.

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