Page 20 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 20

HArun yahya

               charged, and iden ti cal char ges always repel each other—as you can
               dem on strate by bring ing togeth er the north poles of two sep a rate mag -
               nets. As a result of Strong Nuclear Force, how e ver, pro tons are clamped
               against one anoth er, along with neu trons that bear no charge, at the cen -
               ter of the atom inside the atom's nucle us. In other words, Strong
               Nuclear Force allows the atom's nucle us to exist by hold ing its pro tons
               togeth er. To bet ter com pre hend the power of this force, con sid er the
               effect of an atom ic bomb. A nucle ar explo sion results of when a par ti -
               cle—gen er al ly a neu tron—is hurled to "split" the nucle us of a ura ni um
               or plu to ni um atom. As the nucle us comes apart, the strong force is
               released that for mer ly held the pro tons and neu trons. The release of
                                                                incom pa ra ble
                                                                ener gy  vapor iz es
                                                                every thing near by,
                                                   Neutron      and the radi o ac tive
                                                                after-effects lin ger
                                               Uranium or       on for hun dreds of
                                               plu to ni um
                                               nucle us         years. This force
                                          The reac tion begins when  con cealed  with in
                                             a neu tron strikes the
                                        nucle us of a plu to ni um atom  an atom is imper -
                           or a ura ni um atom. The result ing imbal ance for -
                         ces the nucle us to split, ener gy to be released and
                          the two emerg ing neu trons to be set free to divide
                    other nuclei. The force released by the split ting of a sin gle
                                             atom is truly gigan tic.

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