Page 18 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 18

HArun yahya

               tures of this spe cial cre a tion is the basic for ces that cause par ti cles to
               both attract and repel each other. These basic atom ic for ces act on the
               par ti cles com pris ing the atom, in the same way that larg er for ces con trol
               all the more observ a ble bal an ces in the uni verse, from atmos pher ic pres -
               sures to the Earth's orbit. These fun da men tal atom ic for ces are known as
               the Strong Nuclear Force, the Weak Nuclear Force, the Force of Gravity
               and Electromagnetic Force.
                    These for ces are cal cu lat ed at such fine lev els that the slight est
               change in them would lead to the extinc tion of life, to plan ets even tu al -
               ly col lid ing with one anoth er, and the col lapse of the uni verse itself. For
               exam ple, if the force of grav i ty were slight ly strong er or weak er, the
               fixed orbits of the stars would be affect ed: They would either move ever
               clos er to one anoth er and even tu al ly col lapse into mas sive black holes,
               or move apart, even tu al ly to drift hap haz ard ly through the voids of
               space. These fun da men tal for ces have been cre at ed at pre cise lev els in

                   The four basic for ces con trol ling all
                   the bal an ces in the uni verse are so
                   del i cate that even the slight est alter a -
                   tion in their lev els might lead to the
                   extinc tion of life. A small impair ment
                   in a sen si tive bal ance might lead the
                   plan ets to fall into one anoth er and
                   turn into clouds of frag ments and for
                   the uni verse itself to cease to exist.

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