Page 19 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 19


             such a way as to ensure a flaw less bal ance in both the tiny micro world
             as well as across the most enor mous inter stel lar dimen sions. Each force
             is the prod uct of a Divine cre a tion, planned to ful fill its own spe cial pur -
             pose in the uni verse. This belongs to Allah, Who has cre at ed every thing
             flaw less ly, from the great est to the small est. In a verse, Allah reveals
             that He pos sess es the knowl edge of all things in the heav ens and Earth,
             from the larg est to the small est:
                 . . . He is the Knower of the Unseen, Whom not even the weight of
                 the small est par ti cle eludes, either in the heav ens or in the Earth; nor
                 is there any thing small er or larg er than that which is not in a Clear
                 Book. (Surah Saba': 3)
                 Of these for ces, Strong Nuclear Force pro vides a most impor tant
             equi lib ri um with in the atom. All things being equal, under ordi nary cir -
             cum stan ces, the pro tons in the nucle us should repel one anoth er and
             move as far apart as pos si ble. That is because all pro tons are pos i tive ly

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