Page 24 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 24
HArun yahya
Yet by means of the sen si tive bal ance of the four fun da men tal for -
ces, the atoms that con sti tute your body and the entire uni verse remain
sta ble. This sen si tiv i ty has aston ished sci en tists. As the famous astro -
phys i cist Paul Davies, com ments,
[with] a slight ly dif fer ent set of num bers, the world would be a
very dif fer ent place. Probably we would not be here to see it. . . .
And when one goes on to study cos mol o gy incre du li ty mounts.
Recent dis cov er ies about the pri me val cos mos oblige us to accept
that the expand ing uni verse has been set up in its motion with a
coop er a tion of aston ish ing pre ci sion. 7
That the uni verse is arranged with an aston ish ing sen si tiv i ty
means that it was cre at ed.
As you already saw, sci en tists refer to the phys i cal for ces in the
uni verse as the "four basic for ces," yet their def i ni tions fail to account for
why such for ces exist and why they are so exqui site ly bal anced. If we
reach beyond these def i ni tions, we soon real ize that Almighty Lord
keeps the uni verse reg u lat ed at every moment.
The dis cov ery made by mod ern phys ics is in fact noth ing more
than a secret revealed by Allah in the Qur'an 1,400 years ago:
Allah keeps a firm hold on the heav ens and Earth, pre vent ing them
from van ish ing away. And if they van ished no one could then keep
hold of them. Certainly He is Most Forbearing, Ever-Forgiving.
(Surah Fatir: 41)
For any one who employs rea son and con science, that an atom con -
sist ing of more than 99.9999999% empty space pos sess es such vital ly
impor tant prop er ties is yet anoth er mir a cle of Allah's cre a tion. Our Lord
reveals that there are proofs for believ ers in His cre a tions:
In the alter na tion of night and day and what Allah has cre at ed in the
heav ens and the Earth. There are Signs for peo ple who guard against
evil. (Surah Yunus: 6)
The most impor tant of the flaw less atoms' many attrib utes is that
they com bine to cre ate mol e cu les. In the for ma tion of mol e cu les, elec -