Page 26 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 26
HArun yahya
trons play the cru cial role. Before mov ing on to this sub ject let us exam -
ine elec trons.
Electrons: The Atom's Outermost Shell
Without tak ing into account even small er par ti cles only recent ly
dis cov ered, elec trons are the small est of the atom's basic build ing
blocks—about 1/2,000 the size of pro tons and neu trons. With their
intense ener gy, elec trons fol low a spe cif ic orbit around the nucle us. As
a result of the intense ener gy they pos sess and the for ces that are exert -
ed on them, they remain in the same orbit around the nucle us and also
spin on their own axes.
The ener gy pos sessed by elec trons dis plays an impec ca ble equi lib -
ri um that can be dram a tized by the fol low ing exam ple. Under nor mal
con di tions, it is impos si ble for you to bal ance a plate of wide diam e ter
on top of a long rod. Yet if you give the plate a spe cif ic rate of spin of so
many rota tions per sec ond, it will remain spin ning on the end of that
rod. The plate will inev i ta bly fall and break when it loses speed.
Therefore, all that's nec es sa ry to attain such equi lib ri um is an appro pri -
ate level of ener gy. This is the secret under ly ing the fun da men tal bal an -
ces in the uni verse. Momentum is what keeps the plan ets rotat ing
around the Sun and the elec trons around the nucle us of the atom. As a
result of this angu lar momen tum, which is reg u lat ed with the great est
sen si tiv i ty, elec trons orbit around the nucle us con stant ly, and the rota -
tion they per form pre vents them spin ning away from the nucle us.
Electrons orbit the nucle us at the truly extraor di na ry speed of 1,000
kil o me ters (621 miles) per sec ond. Yet despite this high veloc i ty, they
never col lide with one anoth er because elec trons all bear a neg a tive elec -
tri cal charge and there fore repel one anoth er. However, that fact does
not answer the ques tion of why all elec trons are neg a tive ly charged.
Why do iden ti cal char ges repel one anoth er? How did these par ti cles
that repel one anoth er come to be in orbit? All these ques tions once
again reveal the sen si tive bal ance and cre a tion in the atom. In fact, we
are deal ing with a great mir a cle. In some atoms, more than 100 elec trons