Page 21 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 21
cep ti ble, but its power leaves any crea ture exposed to it utter ly help less
and defense less. The Strong Nuclear Force oper at ing in the nucle us is
fine ly bal anced to pos sess the ideal val ues for the for ma tion of mat ter,
and has main tained the exis tence of the uni verse ever since it came into
being. If this force were even slight ly more pow er ful, pro tons and neu -
trons would com bine with one anoth er. Were it slight ly less pow er ful,
these par ti cles would sep a rate from each other, dis solv ing the atom and
cre at ing a sub a tom ic "soup" of par ti cles that would pre vent the for ma -
tion of any ani mate or inan i mate enti ties, the Earth, the Sun or even the
uni verse itself.
Another force that serves to main tain atoms' bal anced struc ture is
the Weak Nuclear Force, which is of par tic u lar impor tance in atoms
with large num bers of pro tons and neu trons. This force pre vents any
neu tron in the nucle us from acquir ing a pos i tive charge and turn ing into
a pro ton in the atom, and thus stops the atom split ting. This is a most
impor tant pre cau tion because, as will be remem bered, the split ting of
the atom gives rise to a force that leads to the atom bomb. This sit u a tion,
which may arise uncon trolled in cer tain atoms, rep re sents a grave dan -
ger, but it is elim i nat ed by the effect of Weak Nuclear Force.
The Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces do not affect the atom's elec -
tron as they do its pro tons and neu trons: Electrons are not affect ed in the
same way as the other par ti cles because they are so much small er, are in
con stant motion and pos sess lit tle mass. Electrons revolve with out
depart ing from their orbits around the nucle us because of the
Electromagnetic Force's effect on them. Due to its neg a tive elec tri cal
charge, an elec tron revolves con stant ly around the pos i tive ly charged
nucle us. The cen trif u gal force that aris es dur ing the rota tion of the elec -
tron on its orbit is exact ly bal anced by Electromagnetic Force, and the
elec tron thus remains in its orbit. The del i cate level of the
Electromagnetic Force keeps elec trons from being drawn into to the
nucle us or total ly depart ing from it. That is how the struc ture of the
atom aris es.