Page 23 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 23

An ordi nary sub stance con sists of atoms that com bine
                     through elec tro mag net ism to give rise to the mol e cu les
                     that con sti tute solids, gas ses and liq uids.

                        Atoms con sist of a dense
                        nucle us sur round ed by a cloud
                        of elec trons. Electromagnetic
                        for ces keep the elec trons in
                        orbit around the nucle us.

                                     The nucle us con sists of pro -
                                     tons and neu trons, which are
                                     bound togeth er by the Strong
                                     Nuclear Force.

             Protons and neu trons each con sist
             of three quarks. These are held
             togeth er with the Strong Nuclear

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