Page 28 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 28

HArun yahya

                     pounds that make up our selves and the entire uni verse. At the
                     same time, they also give rise to col ors, because one of the caus es
                     of dif fer ent col ors is how elec trons in one orbit jump across to
                     anoth er' level.
                          Electrons which are present inside the atom move too quick -
                     ly that they con sti tute a cloud. With the flaw less order they estab -
                     lish to form mol e cu les, these minute units, invis i ble to the naked
                     eye, con sti tute the basis of all mat ter, ani mate and inan i mate. As
                     you shall see in detail in the fol low ing pages, their order is so spe -
                     cial ly cre at ed that not one sin gle com po nent of it could pos si bly
                     have come into being by chance.
                          The Lord of this flaw less and most supe ri or art ist ry is Allah,
                     Who reveals in one verse:

                          He to Whom the king dom of the heav ens and the Earth
                          belongs. He does not have a son and He has no part ner in the
                          Kingdom. He cre at ed every thing and deter mined it most
                          exact ly. (Surat al-Furqan: 2)

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