Page 27 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 27

orbit the nucle us. The way that elec trons are divid ed into up to seven
             orbits, revolv ing in lev els at high speed, with no con fu sion ever aris ing
             and never col lid ing with one anoth er, is the prod uct of an impec ca ble
             cre a tion.
                 There are up to seven dif fer ent ener gy lev els around the nucle us,
             which cre ates seven dif fer ent orbits for elec trons. Each elec tron adheres
             to one of these paths, depend ing on the ener gy level it pos sess es. The
             rea son why elec trons, which always pos sess the same mass and veloc i -
             ty, have dif fer ent ener gy lev els is a point to con sid er. In the sys tem in
             the uni verse, bod ies with dif fer ent mas ses and veloc i ties wind up in dif -
             fer ent orbits. The most famil iar exam ple of this is the plan ets in our own
             Solar System. All plan ets have dif fer ent mas ses and dif fer ent speeds,
             fol low ing dif fer ent orbits. However, this arrange ment does not apply to
             elec trons. There is actu al ly no rea son for these par ti cles—whose mas ses
             and veloc i ties are always the same—to pos sess dif fer ent ener gy lev els.
             This is a most spe cial state of affairs cre at ed by Allah, because it is essen -
             tial that these dif fer ent orbits exist in order for mol e cu les to form. The
             dif fer ent orbits with in the atom gives rise to the mol e cu les and com -

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