Page 22 - Miracles Within the Molecule
P. 22


                    Before mov ing on to elec trons, of great impor tance in the for ma tion
               of mol e cu les, let us brief ly recall on the details of the atom's struc ture.
               So far, the infor ma tion you have read in sum ma ry form is the same as
               what you can find in any phys ics text. However, text books of that kind
               are not like ly to empha size the mirac u lous ly per fect struc ture of the
               atom and its thought-pro vok ing aspects. Inanimate par ti cles only a mil -
               lionth of a mil li me ter (1 mil li me ter equals 0.04 of an inch) in size come
               togeth er flaw less ly to form life and non-liv ing sub stan ces, just as they
               form the bil lions of stars, riv ers, the sky, moun tains, flow ers, human
               beings and the seas. How atoms impart an order to all this cre a tion is lit -
               tle dis cussed.
                    Another fact is gen er al ly sel dom men tioned: The strengths of the
               uni verse's four fun da men tal for ces are very dif fer ent from one anoth er,
               which dif fer en ces are very del i cate ly bal anced. For exam ple, the Strong
               Nuclear Force is around a  bil lion,  bil lion,  bil lion,  bil lion,  bil lion times
               strong er than the force of grav i ty. The dif fer ence between the Strong
               and Electromagnetic Forces is great er than a mil lion times mil lion.
                    If these val ues were dif fer ent, what would hap pen?
                    The weak and strong nucle ar for ces, elec tro mag net ic for ces and
               grav i ta tion al force must all be in their exact crit i cal val ues in pro por tion
               to each other, in order for the gal ax ies, stars and for all the liv ing things
               to exist at all.
                    If not, pro tons would not stay togeth er in the atom ic nucle us.
               Electrons would dis perse, and a sin gle atom could not exist. The entire
               uni verse would con sist of radi a tion and ran dom par ti cles, with no stars,
               plan ets or human beings.
                    If the grav i ta tion al for ces were any more pow er ful, entire gal ax ies
               would become col lapsed into black holes instead of main tain ing them -
               selves by cen trif u gal force. Were it less pow er ful, stars would not be
               able to form the heav i er ele ments nec es sa ry for life on plan ets. For
               instance, if the Strong Nuclear Force of the atoms con sti tut ing your
               body at this moment were to weak en a lit tle—a devi a tion from the actu -
               al value by only thou sandth—, your body would be oblit er at ed instant -

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