Page 31 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 31
Why the The o ry of Ev o lu tion 29
periodical noted in its 22
April 2000 issue that
Harun Yahya "is an inter-
national hero" sharing its
concern that his books
"have spread everywhere
in the Islamic world."
Science, the leading
periodical of the general
scientific community, em-
phasized the impact and
sophistication of Harun
Yahya's works. The Science
article "Creationism Takes
Root Where Europe, Asia
Meet", dated 18 May 2001,
observed that in Turkey
"sophisticated books such
as The Evolution Deceit and The Dark Face of Darwinism... have become more
influential than textbooks in certain parts of the country". The reporter
then goes on to assess Harun Yahya's work, which has initiated "one of the
world's strongest anti-evolution movements outside of North America".
Although such evolutionist periodicals note the impact of The Evolu-
tion Deceit, they do not offer any scientific replies to its arguments. The rea-
son is, of course, that it is simply not possible. The theory of evolution is in
complete deadlock, a fact you will discover as you read the following
chapters. The book will help you realise that Darwinism is not a scientific
theory but a pseudo-scientific dogma upheld in the name of materialist
philosophy, despite counter evidence and outright refutation.
It is our hope that The Evolution Deceit will for a long time continue its
contribution towards the refutation of materialist-Darwinist dogma which
has been misleading humanity since the 19th century. And it will remind
people of the crucial facts of our lives, such as how we came into being and
what our duties to our Creator are.