Page 36 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 36

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                                                  To Be Freed From

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                      ost people accept everything they hear from scientists as
                      strictly true. It does not even occur to them that scientists may
            M also have various philosophical or ideological prejudices. The
            fact of the matter is that evolutionist scientists impose their own prejudices
            and philosophical views on the public under the guise of science. For in-
            stance, although they are aware that random events do not cause anything
            other than irregularity and confusion, they still claim that the marvellous
            order, plan, and structure seen both in the universe and in living organ-
            isms arose by chance.
                 For instance, such a biologist easily grasps that there is an awe-in-
            spiring harmony in a protein molecule, the building block of life, and that
            there is no probability that this might have come about by chance. Never-
            theless, he alleges that this protein came into existence under primitive
            earth conditions by chance billions of years ago. He does not stop there; he
            also claims, without hesitation, that not only one, but millions of proteins
            formed by chance and then amazingly came together to create the first liv-
            ing cell. Moreover, he defends his view with a blind stubbornness. This
            person is an "evolutionist" scientist.
                 If the same scientist were to find three bricks resting on top of one an-
            other while walking along a flat road, he would never suppose that these
            bricks had come together by chance and then climbed up on top of each
            other, again by chance. Indeed, anyone who did make such an assertion
            would be considered insane.
                 How then can it be possible that people who are able to assess ordi-
            nary events rationally can adopt such an irrational attitude when it comes
            to thinking about their own existence?
                 It is not possible to claim that this attitude is adopted in the name of
            science: scientific approach requires taking both alternatives into consid-
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