Page 37 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 37
To Be Freed From Prej u dice 35
eration wherever there are two alternatives equally possible concerning a
certain case. And if the likelihood of one of the two alternatives is much
lower, for example if it is only one percent, then the rational and scientific
thing to do is to consider the other alternative, whose likelihood is 99 per-
cent, to be the valid one.
Let us continue, keeping this scientific basis in mind. There are two
views that are set forth regarding how living beings came into being on
earth. The first is that Allah creates all living beings in their present com-
plex structure. The second is that life was formed by unconscious, random
coincidences. The latter is the claim of the theory of evolution.
When we look at the scientific data, that of molecular biology for in-
stance, we can see that there is no chance whatsoever that a single living
cell-or even one of the millions of proteins present in this cell-could have
come into existence by chance as the evolutionists claim. As we will illus-
trate in the following chapters, probabilistic calculations also confirm this
many times over. So the evolutionist view on the emergence of living be-
ings has zero probability of being true.
This means that the first view has a "one hundred percent" probabil-
ity of being true. That is, life has been instantly brought into being. To put
it in another way, it was "created". All living beings have come into exis-
tence as the creation of Allah exalted in superior power, wisdom, and
knowledge. This reality is not simply a matter of conviction; it is the nor-
mal conclusion that wisdom, logic and science take one to.
Under these circumstances, our "evolutionist" scientist ought to with-
draw his claim and adhere to a fact that is both obvious and proven. To do
otherwise is to demonstrate that he is actually someone who is exploiting
science for his philosophy, ideology, and dogma rather than being a true
The anger, stubbornness, and prejudices of our "scientist" increase
more and more every time he confronts reality. His attitude can be ex-
plained with a single word: "faith". Yet it is a blind superstitious faith,
since there can be no other explanation for one's disregard of all the facts
or for a lifelong devotion to the preposterous scenario that he has con-
structed in his imagination.