Page 34 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 34


            hearing and breathing were, even though there was not one example of
            such things anywhere in the world at that time. It displayed great intelli-
            gence and awareness, exhibited considerable forward planning, and con-
            structed life step by step. This is the totally irrational scenario to which
            these professors, scientists and researchers whose names are greatly re-
            spected and whose ideas are so influential have devoted themselves. Even
            now, with a childish stubbornness, they exclude anyone who refuses to be-
            lieve in such fairy tales, accusing them of being unscientific and bigoted.
            There is really no difference between this and the bigoted, fanatical and ig-
            norant medieval mentality that punished those who claimed the earth was
            not flat.
                 What is more, some of these people claim to be Muslims and believe in
            Allah. Such people find saying, "Allah created all of life" unscientific, and yet
            are quite able to believe instead that saying, "It came about in an unconscious
            process consisting of billions of miraculous coincidences" is scientific.
                 If you put a carved stone or wooden idol in front of these people and
            told them, "Look, this idol created this room and everything in it" they
            would say that was utterly stupid and refuse to believe it. Yet despite that
            they declare the nonsense that "The unconscious process known as chance
            gradually brought this world and all the billions of wonderful living
            things in it into being with enormous planning" to be the greatest scientific
                 In short, these people regard chance as a god, and claim that it is in-
            telligent, conscious and powerful enough to create living things and all the
            sensitive balances in the universe. When told that it was Allah, the pos-
            sessor of infinite wisdom, who created all living things, these evolutionist
            professors refuse to accept the fact, and maintain that unconscious, unin-
            telligent, powerless billions of coincidences with no will of their own are
            actually a creative force.
                 The fact that educated, intelligent and knowledgeable people can as a
            group believe in the most irrational and illogical claim in history, as if
            under a spell, is really a great miracle. In the same way that Allah miracu-
            lously creates something like the cell, with its extraordinary organization
            and properties, this people are just as miraculously so blind and devoid of
            understanding as to be unable to see what is under their very noses. It is
            one of Allah's miracles that evolutionists are unable to see facts that even
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