Page 39 - The Evolution Deceit
P. 39

To Be Freed From Prej u dice                37

            ment to defend the fact of creation that has lately become very accepted,
            describes the scientists who resist believing in the creation of living or-
            ganisms thus:
                 Over the past four decades, modern bio-
                 chemistry has uncovered the secrets of the
                 cell. It has required tens of thousands of peo-
                 ple to dedicate the better parts of their lives
                 to the tedious work of the laboratory… The
                 result of these cumulative efforts to investi-
                 gate the cell- to investigate life at the molec-
                 ular level-is a loud, clear, piercing cry of
                 "design!". The result is so unambiguous and
                 so significant that it must be ranked as one of
                 the greatest achievements in the history of
                 science… Instead a curious, embarrassed si-
                 lence surrounds the stark complexity of the
                 cell. Why does the scientific community not         Michael Behe:
                 greedily embrace its startling discovery? 3  "An embarrased silence
                                                         surrounds the stark complex-
                 This is the predicament of the atheist              ity of the cell"
            evolutionist scientists you see in magazines
            and on television and whose books you may be reading. All the scientific
            research carried out by these people demonstrates to them the existence of
            Allah. Yet they have become so insensitised and blinded by the dogmatic
            materialist education they have absorbed that they still persist in their de-
                 People who steadily neglect the clear signs and evidences of the Cre-
            ator become totally insensitive. Caught up in an ignorant self-confidence
            caused by their insensitivity, they may even end up supporting an absur-
            dity as a virtue. A good case in point is the atheist evolutionist Richard
            Dawkins who calls upon Christians not to assume that they have wit-
            nessed a miracle even if they see a statue wave to them. According to
            Dawkins, "Perhaps all the atoms of the statue's arm just happened to move
            in the same direction at once-a low probability event to be sure, but possi-
            ble."  4
                 The psychology of the unbeliever has existed throughout history. In
            the Qur'an it is described thus:
                 Even if We did send unto them angels, and the dead did speak unto them,
                 and We gathered together all things before their very eyes, they are not the
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